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About Simply Brows & Lashes South Yarra

Best Hair Cuts at Simply Brows & Lashes South Yarra in South Yarra is open 5 Days a week. Address Location in 79 Davis Ave South Yarra. Phone 0390772550 for an appointment with Hairdresser Find.

At Simply Brows & Lashes we are dedicated to giving each client the very best brows achievable for them and the exact lash extension style & look that you love. Every brow tidy up or reshape begins with a consultation on the shape, likes & dislikes, what is possible to achieve and advice on achieving the ideal brow shape for you. You can choose from Threading or Waxing. Each brow tint is custom mixed for each client. From the most subtle definition with tint right up to super defined statement brows, we will get you the look you want. Our lash extensions sets begin with a consultation, walking you through the different lengths, curls & weights of lash available and what they will look like on you before we start. We stock up to 200 individual different types of lashes so we have everything available to do any style. For the creme-de-la-creme of lash extensions, we offer Russian Volume technique extensions. This is an advanced technique of applying 2 to 7 very fine lashes in a hand made fan to one natural lash. The result is light and soft but incredible volume. For hair removal we have threading & waxing for the face and waxing for the body. For more permanent results we use a state of the art IPL machine. It is the latest in its generation and we searched in every detail before deciding upon this machine. It is made in France and works with a much lower intensity of light, but uses multiple extremely fast flashes to kill hair at the root. Because of the different technology is uses, it is very safe for the skin from fair, right up to tanned & dark skin. It will work on very light blonde hair through to black hair. (It just doesn't work on red or grey hair, as both of those actually have no pigment in them so the light does not 'find' the hair root). You can book online 24/7 with our on line booking system or give us a call on 0390772550 or email us at if you have any questions. Love Simply Ladies


Simply Brows & Lashes South Yarra

Hairdresser Find welcomes you to Simply Brows & Lashes South Yarra, South Yarra, VIC 3141 we specialise in hair styling for all your hairdressing needs.

A well-kept salon that values every client. A warm and friendly environment is extremely important to the Simply Brows & Lashes South Yarra team, along with great customer service. We are always ready to create and help you express all of your wishes.

Feel free to call one of our friendly staff members to find out more about our products and services. Thank you

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Simply Brows & Lashes South Yarra

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